If you’re looking for hip solutions in Egypt, you’ll want to check out these four revisions. From Cairo to Luxor, these options will have you covered. […]
Introduction If you’re considering getting an artificial joint, you’re not alone. In 2017, over 1 million people in the United States had hip or knee replacements, […]
٣ علامات تشير الي الحاجة لتركيب مفصل صناعي للتخلص من الالم ظهور التكنولوجيا الحديثة مهد الطريق الي الكثير من الاختراعات التي توفر للبشرية الكثير من الراحة […]
Industrial technology has become a part of our daily life. Every day, new inventions appear, some of these inventions focus on human health. Elon Musk revealed […]
Hip arthroplasty is a surgical technique that encompasses the replacement of the diseased hip joint with a prosthetic implant. Individuals with massive hip joint decay have […]
Total Knee replacement or knee arthroplasty, is a surgical technique to resurface a knee impaired by arthritis. Plastic and metal parts are used to cover the […]
In Ortho House, we aspire to provide orthopedic surgeons with world-class orthopedic products that assist them in their procedures and provide better healthcare services to patients […]
The term arthroscopy comes from two Greek words, “arthro” (joint) and “skopein” (to look). It refers to an orthopedic procedure that surgeons use to examine, diagnose, […]
In the past years, scientists have been experimenting with the body’s natural healing ability to come up with innovative treatment methods. Ortho House technologies enabled physicians […]